Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cryptography, Malware, and Security Post

My idea is for a machine that would teach basketball players how to properly shoot free throws. It would be able to adjust height depending on the height of the user. Once activating, it would shoot a perfect free throw each time, demonstrating the correct method of shooting one to people who don’t shoot them well.

In order to work correctly, the machine will need its cryptography to function properly and the correct instructions must be given to it whenever any function is accessed by the user. Without proper cryptography, the machine has no chance of working even remotely correctly, due to the complexity of codes that will be needed. Because of this, I would likely hire a cryptographer in order to properly encode the machine for production. The cryptographer can also teach me the system of cryptography and ensure that the specific commands for the machine are able to be understood correctly.

Because of the high complexity of the machine, use of the internet may be needed in order for it to function at its highest level of performance. Programs such as SIRI require internet access in order to follow through with commands and I believe that the machine would need something similar, especially if I was to include a voice command option. Therefore, the machine will need to be made in order to have internet capabilities. However, this also makes security an issue for the machine.

Access to the internet means hacking and infecting the machine is easily possible. Doing this will mean security will be essential if the machine is to continue to function properly 24/7. Therefore, a firewall program will be required for the machine in addition to its many other required applications. Also, an anti-spyware program should also be put in so that any viruses can be identified and immediately dealt with. These measures will ensure that the machine is in good care  from any potential harm from outside sources. 


  1. an idea like this would do wonder for peoples NBA career. Imagine how many more career points Shaq would score if he could shoot freethrows. But im not really sure how exactly it would work. is it a machine or what? should try clarifying a litte.

  2. You thought this out pretty thoroughly. Siri would indeed be a good idea since I might want to say "LOWER THE BASKET" rather than manually input some commands or buttons. Would you also need an anti virus ??
